Develop front End over the world for different countries with JavaScript & top style methods & languages on high ranking frameworks such as React, Next, React Native
Most of our developed Software & platform are released in production mode with powerful SEO, color Psychology, theme, and typography rules, even we can support product ads & market requirements for our customers
Web app for ODA architect company that Support 3D View, Virtual Reality, professional admin dashboard
FrameWorks: React, NextJs, Django
programming language: JavaScript, Python, tailwindcss
Web app and native app for the Carnet large scale startup, Support Live map and GPS, Professional check list, professional admin dashboard
FrameWorks: React,ReactNative NextJs, Django
programming language: JavaScript, Python, tailwindcss
Web app and native app for the pet shops, with online visit, live pet shop and product shop, Health Care checklist and professional admin dashboard
FrameWorks: React, ReactNative, NextJs, Django
programming language: JavaScript, Python, tailwindcss
Web app and native app for the FastSchool startup, Its educational base supports virtual reality, 3D view, Online whiteboard, live chat, conference video room, to-do app, auto exam, and practice, copyright watermark professional dashboard for admin, students, parents
FrameWorks: React, Reactnative, NextJs, Django
programming language: JavaScript, Python,C++, tailwindcss