
Everything a clinic needs

A fast and secure integrated platform for clinics, hospitals and health, beauty and treatment centers with web or software sections such as intelligent scheduling for online and in-person visits, patient files, and dozens of other management and control items. We will mention some of them below

Technical specifications of the platform

NextjsJS-JSXWeb App
React NativeJS-TS-JSXAndroid-IOS

Get an appointment online in less than 10 seconds

Choosing an in-person or online appointment from all over the world, viewing free times and choosing the right time by the patient or choosing the closest time

Applicable for all devices and browsers


Integrated platform for direct communication with the patient

To have an unlimited and independent platform, all parts such as chat and online calls are coded inside the platform and no external or ready-made modules and plugins are used.

Best results in weakest network coverage


Comprehensive file of patients

Patient access to all their medical information from all over the world, such as tests, scans, prescriptions, treatment charts, and medication reminders.

Instant archiving and reporting


Management dashboards are exclusive and coded according to the needs of the collection, so there is no limit to adding new sections in the present and future. Integration provides the possibility to view and manage all your business items in one platform. These departments can be implemented in management, admin and operator layers, the capabilities of these dashboards can be used to manage patients, determine the type of appointment, observe the profit and loss of each department, archive patients which includes patient files, visits and payments and ... Cited. All these facilities can be presented in the form of schematic diagrams with real-time reporting

Example of dashboard features

Today: 25 people

User: Ashkan Azimi

Today's to Do

Orders pending confirmation

Number of service users and sales per year

Total orders to returns per month

Items with zero inventory

Dedicated platform for clinics or hospital




